Help Buying and Registration Cars in Mexico


Navigating the car registration processes in Mexico can be a challenge for expats. However, the good news is that we have a network of trusted independent professionals in select cities who can assist you with this process. Rest assured, these services are designed to make your transition smoother and hassle-free.

Who qualifies to buy a car and have it registered, or to bring a car from our home countries and have it legalized in Mexico?

There have been recent national changes regarding vehicle registration eligibility. Currently, the national policy stipulates that only permanent residents can register a vehicle. However, certain states have not fully implemented this policy and still allow temporary residents to register vehicles in their names. Additionally, presidential decrees on legalization are subject to frequent changes. For more information on this subject, please feel free to reach out to us..

Do you know how the registration specialist can help you? 

  • They can help get a title, registration, and plates of currently Mexican plated vehicles you just purchased.
  • They can also help you get a car replated and registered in a new Mexican state if you move into another state in Mexico.
  • They can help with the daunting process of legalizing your car in Mexico.
  • Additionally, they can help with the renewal process if needed as well

Hiring a registration specialist offers the convenience of having most processes completed on your behalf. By signing the necessary documents, they gain the authority to handle these tasks independently, eliminating the need for you to personally visit the registration office. Enjoy a hassle-free process with the expertise of a specialist at your disposal!


If you have any questions or want to book this service with an independent immigration specialist,  you can contact the live chat on this page or the site-wide live chat (bottom left corner of every page), as well as going to the "contact us" page in the menu at the top of every page on the site.

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